Sunday, November 23, 2014

Math Word Wall Activities and a Freebie

Math Word Walls- Part 2

Click here to go back and read Part 1 if you haven't done so already.

It takes a little while to build up enough words on your while to do some of these activities. Once you have about ten words on the wall, you are good to go. These are some of our favourites but I am sure there are more ideas. Let me know if you have tried and true activities that your students love.

Have fun!

1. Play MATHGO - Here is a link to the download so you can play with your class! The rules are simple. The students choose 9 words from the wall and write them wherever they want. Next, the teacher calls out definitions and the students cover the words according to the definition. The goal is to get three in a row. If you only have ten words on your wall, quite a few students will call out MATHGO at the same time. That's fine.  Hand out your prizes if you like and clear the boards to start over. If you have Math Literacy bags, students can keep these in their bags, or you can start a new one after more words are added to your wall.

2. Word Cheers or Chants- This is borrowed directly from the common Language word wall activities but with a twist. We use many different cheers for our words, but then we add in the short definition to go with them. Sometimes we DON'T chant each letter but rather each word. This is a variation from what you may be used to.  Our Math word wall has the definitions with the words, so saying the definition is easy they can just read it off the wall. Here are some of our favourite types of cheers:
  -Beat it- tap it out on our desks as we go
  -Reach for the stars- Reach up alternating arms for each letter
  -Snap it- Snap a finger for each word in the definition
  -Deep Voices- call it out low and slow
  -Knee Slaps- Slap your knee for each word or letter
  -Toe Touches- touch your toe for each word

3. Definition Call- Out - The teacher calls out a definition. Students listen and when they think they know the word, they hold a thumbs up sign in front of their chest and sit quietly. No talking. Say the definition and/or give clues until you see most of the class with thumbs up. Call out the word "Release!" and the students get to say the word together. This gives most of the class the time they might need to search the wall for the word and keeps others from calling out. It works really well.

4. Make your word wall- In groups, give students a copy of the words on the actual wall. have them cut them up and arrange them into categories or groups. Let them decide which words go together. if your words are arranged this way already, you can either cover them up or take them down so students get the chance to arrange them without reference. I use a few sheets of chart paper to cover mine up.  You can also give students some blank paper and markers and they can add other words in that they think the wall might be missing.

5. Play Hot Seat- Choose one student to sit in the hot seat facing the class away from the wall. The teacher points to a word on the wall. Students can now raise their hand to give clues to the student in the Hot Seat. They are not to give the exact description but rather clues. They can give example or non-example or facts and characteristics of the word.

6. Frayer Model Sheets- hand out a frayer model sheet and have students choose a word from the wall and then fill out the sheet at their desk. These can be kept together and stapled into a booklet once they get enough words. Here is a sheet that I have created that we use in our class.

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